Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bicycling in Bangkok

Biking along a canal. Many of the paths were quite narrow!!
This was a more comfortable path.
My guide and I stopping for a Fanta.

A wonderful way to see a country is to bicycle.  I was fortunate to find Grasshopper Bike Tours and bike throughout the rural outskirts of Bangkok. Canals, old temples, temple ruins, lush tropics, and great Thai people were quite remarkable.  I had a private guide and was able to go at a leisurely pace with time for many photos. I hope you enjoy the tour.

A monitor lizard crossing the bike path
Old temple overgrown with tree roots
Biking through flooded temple grounds

School children

A woman waiting for help in her flooded house

A monk with a religious tatoo

A Buddha in metal wire  sculpture

An encounter along the bike path

A warning along the bike path
A worker at the airport observing the warning
(Not along the path)

A garage gate along the path

Banana  tress

Grasshopper Adventures bidding me adieu


1 comment:

  1. The pictures are absolutely amazing. We miss you and wish you all the best.
